Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On my Mind...

Today for some reason I have been inspired to blog again. My first of the year and sadly it is May..oh well! Anyways I have been overwhelmed with a need to be thankful and I just want to share whats on my mind...

After having a friend give me a book and my Dad sending me a text message with 1Thes. 5:16-18 and just a daily struggle of not feeling thankful when I have so much to be thankful for I have realized that maybe God is trying to tell me something!

Even as I sit here I can think of things that drive me crazy when they really the fact that my bed isn't made yet, or that baskets of laundry haven't been put away and party decorations still need to be purchased and put together. That my monthly budget is overwhelming me, and somedays it feels like my house couldn't be smaller. Or the fact that I got a speeding ticket when I could have so used that money for something way more useful...but then again maybe I shouldn't have been speeding???

In all that I am reminded of what really matters. That I was put here on this earth for a bring Glory to God and while I will evetually get to all those things and they will get done, maybe stopping, sitting down, and reading a book about being thankful for Gods gifts reagardless of there size, and reading His word are more important!  After all if I want to raise a daughter who loves her God don't I first need to show her what that love looks like...and how do I do that? By being thankful for ALL things...good and bad, hard and easy, beautiful and ugly...ALL things. By loving ALL people even the not so nice being pateint when most would lose it, or by giving when most would keep.

I am in no way claming that I have perfected any of those things, or even come close for that matter, but I am slowly realizing that daily making the choice to be thankful and love is what I am called to do! Meaning, be thankful that I have a bed to sleep in, and that there is clean laundry in those baskets. That I have money to budget and a house to comfortably live in rerardless of the size. That I get to stay home and watch our daughter everyday because my husbands job makes that possible, even if that means giving up some things that we want. That our daughter so far is healthy, thriving, and now TWO! That me being sick ended up being a Gluten allergy and not cancer or anything else, and that I still have food to eat! These are things to be thankful for and some may think that's nothing and some may think I have more than they have ever had but all that I need to know is that our family is where God needs us to be right now and as long as that is what we seek then nothing else really matters. He will provide, and my job is to be thankful and give Him Glory...even for that speeding ticket :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Julie thank you for sharing this and encouraging everyone that takes time to read it. I really enjoyed the humor, the transparency, and the wisdom you shared. Shan & I are grateful for EVERYTHING you do & we are blessed to have you AND your family - the 3 of you - as friends. - Justin
